
Thursday, February 17, 2011

365 Thursday - Week 6

Why hello there lovelies. It is 365 Thursday, the day I show you all the wonderful craft projects I did over the week. (Can you sense the sarcasm kicking in?!) In theory, according to my master plan, I would have seven craft projects to show you today. But, um, let's get real. I didn't happen. As I sat down to gather up my projects to take photos of, I realized I only have completed two craft projects!

HOWEVER ... I have been busy busy busy working on other projects. A little bit of crafting, a little bit of PR and a WHOLE LOTTA organizing and rearranging. I think spring fever has hit and is coming out in the form of my need to reorganize.

The two craft projects I worked on this week were flower boutonnieres and wedding favors. Am I getting married? Nope, I'm already married. But almost three years ago at our wedding I made all our boutonnieres and favors for our wedding and saved a lot of money while creating something unique.

Here's a photo of the ornament favors I made and had at each place setting, and also here's a closeup of the boutonnieres I made. I loved them - and still have two of them for when I eventually make a shadow box!
And here's a photo of the bridal party for good measure. I saved literally hundreds of dollars by making the six boutonnieres and 250 favors. And then another couple hundred dollars by making jewelry for my bridesmaids as their bridesmaids gifts.

Anyways ... back to brides saving money today.
So yesterday the good folks from her magazine came back again to my house for a little how-to photo shoot and video tutorial that will show up in the next issue. (Look on the right hand side under tutorials for a link to my ribbon necklace tutorial, and sweater pillow tutorial that were both featured in her magazine.) Here's what I created for them for next month.

In the meantime, I've been so overwhelmed at the lack of organization happening at our house - mainly with my craft stuff here and there and everwhere. We absolutely love our house - it's a 1920s bungalow. With that said, it's pretty tiny with 2 bedrooms, 1 bath and tiny closets. So while I don't have my own craft room, I've finally taken up my little space in the guest bedroom/office and have all my crafts in ONE PLACE!

I can leave my crafts on the desk (instead of the dining room table). The piece of furniture on the right is FULL of crafting goodies, along with the closet and a few tupperwares under the guest bed.
Sadly these two blank shelves you see are the only "drawers" for guests to put their things!

The best part about this whole process was going through EVERYTHING, taking a mental inventory, and I have new ideas for projects to work on, and a better of idea of what I already have on hand.

Along with my organizing I did a bit of rearranging. That's pretty much the cheapest way to redecorate :-) I switched some stuff around in our bedroom and we now have this one, glorious, blank wall that I can't WAIT to create a art gallery with.

So, although I only have two craft projects under my belt for the week - spring is in the air, arming me with motivation and inspiration. Here's hoping next week will be a little more fruitful in the craft department.

What did you work on this week?
Weekend Bloggy Reading


  1. I love the idea of an ornament as an wedding favor. Congratulations on another magazine feature. You on on your way to being famous!

  2. hahaha ... Thanks Paula! I wouldn't say famous, just documented proof that I love crafting :-) And that I'm always changing my hair. First issue I was blonde. Second issue I was dark brunette. 3rd issue I have serious bangs. Red hair will be next I guess. Have a great weekend!

  3. Hurray for Sarah!!! :) That boutonniere is gorgeous. I featured it today. :) Thanks for linking it up with me. :)
