
Monday, January 10, 2011

Today I Made ...

Progress. Does that count?

I said I wanted to make one thing a day for 365 days.
But progress is definitely what I made the most of today! I did manage to finish up this Valentine's Day Crocheted cuff and packed it up in the box being shipped out to North Carolina.

Sometimes it is hard to say goodbye to my goodies, I love them all! However, if I made it once I can make it again. If I kept everything I loved, well, I wouldn't sell anything at all!

But today's overriding accomplishment was updating my Etsy store. Etsy is the BANE of my existence. I LOVE LOVE LOVE to create, but I HATE HATE HATE to photograph and list items on Etsy. There is SO much more stuff around the house that I just don't get around to photographing. Luckily I have a store I can ship stuff off to so I don't have to worry about it. But, wouldn't it be nice to keep more of the profits? Yes, it would. And that's what kept me going today.
So be sure and check out my updated store!

I have seriously been looking at crafting as my job lately. Because frankly, it is. I'm a stay at home wife, who does freelance writing and sells her crafts. In order to be taken more seriously as a business and to make money as a business, I need to approach my craft as a business - alongside approaching it as the craft I love so dearly. I want to be able to say with confidence that "I'm an accessories and housewares designer" instead of, "I'm not currently working outside the home, but I sell handmade goods," when asked the question, "What do you do?"

So today was a big day. The house is a mess, but at least I got some "work" done and this pot roast is on the stove.

Recipe found here.

What did you make today?


  1. I love the red one! Especially the little rhinestones on it. Is that knitted or crochet?

  2. Hey Caitlin! It's crocheted! I've had so much fun making these. My favorites were a few I made and embellished some vintage buttons, but these rhinestone charms are fun. Might need to pick up some more! Thanks for stopping by!
