
Thursday, December 30, 2010

Operation New Year

Last year while my husband was deployed I worked on Operation Keep Busy, which was actually pretty successful. The only things that didn’t happen were taking a dance class, a language course and making shadow boxes. So those will be tagged into Operation New Year.

However, here are my resolutions for Operation New Year.

• Get back on the workout train. DH and I are already signed up for another ½ marathon at Callaway Gardens on January 30th. I want to sign up and train for an Olympic distance triathlon for the spring.

• Continue to write. I’ll keep doing freelance articles as long as they’ll give me stories. I want to work on submitting to magazines as well as working on my creative writing. I found a creative story I wrote in 9th grade and am afraid that might have been the peak of my writing. I’m determined to prove myself wrong.

• Work on new designs for Mississippi Mud. I have some new ideas and want to spend the time and money to update the entire store for a more cohesive look. I might open a “home store” for fashions for the home and keep MississippiMud for jewelry and accessories and include vintage finds.

• Get involved. I’ve always been involved with something other than work. While in North Carolina I was an active member of our Junior Service League. I’ve always considered getting involved in Big Brothers, Big Sisters because I think they’re such a wonderful organization. I’ve also wanted to join the church choir. Now that we’ll be a little more “stationary” I have more time to get involved in something local.

• Make shadow boxes. This has been on my list for a long time. My husband and I have taken some pretty amazing trips and we are both are memorabilia savers. Instead of keeping it in boxes under the bed, I’m ready to pick and choose a handful of things that represent our trips and make them into shadow boxes that we can see and remember our wonderful trips and memories we’ve had.

• Share my patterns and do more “how to” projects on my blog. I want to pick a project once a week or once a month that I will attempt to do and share the process on my blog.

If you can’t tell I’m a list person. I operate off of lists. They just help me keep motivated and working towards something, even if it’s just a project, a workout or getting involved.

What are your resolutions, or a few things you want to accomplish this year? I do love New Years. And I can already tell, this is going to be a good year.

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