
Wednesday, April 13, 2011

How to Sell on Craigslist

Just about everyday I like to scroll through craigslist.
In my search, I'm always impressed by people's "marketing" capabilities, and thought I would share some of them with you.

Find an old typewriter and assume it's worth a lot.
Who cares if it looks totally rusted and like it came from the bottom of a lake.

Asking price: $300
Estimated Value: $40-$150 ($150 being top value)

Sell a bunch of mismatched glasses together.
{Oh yeah, they're called "Cocktail Glasses & Beer Mugs"}
Tell everyone it's a "good deal" because they're only 33 cents a piece!

Asking price: $12
Estimated Value: pretty much worthless

Call something ANTIQUE, because that means it's worth something.
Like these "antique" pool furniture pieces. 13 pieces for $150!!!
What a steal!
I don't know what they're worth,
but they look like they need a LOT of work.

Entice Customers by telling them this is the LAST WEEKEND to buy!
I'll have you know, I've seen this mirror listed for MONTHS now.
It's been called contemporary & surf board inspired.
I just call it ... well, nevermind.

Asking Price: $30
Estimated Value: actually, it is a big mirror that you could totally refinish ...
P.S. those are rhinestone gems across the bottom.

Take HORRIBLE photos to pique buyer's interest
about what they are ACTUALLY looking at.
Try & identify the following items:

Good luck selling your diamonds in the rough on Craigslist!
What have you found?


  1. Haha! CL is always good for a laugh! I hate it when people have an over inflated sense of what their stuff is worth. That happens a lot around here. :/

  2. CL sometimes u can find some good stuff on there... Mystery item 1, 2, 3 :) very funny lol. some people must be buying this stuff!

    thanks for pointing them out. just found your blog, i will make sure to return. thanks!
