
Wednesday, March 9, 2011

To Give, Or Not to Give (something up for Lent)

*All photos are from the amazing photographer AliciaBock on etsy.
I wanted to give you something pretty to look at.

On my blog you won't see an overriding amount about my personal personal life. And if you know me, then you know I'm not typically an open book and not very comfortable when it comes to talking about my faith or beliefs This is totally out of my "blog comfort zone" but today I wanted to share a little anyways.

One thing you may or may not know about me is that I am and was raised Catholic.

And today is Ash Wednesday which marks the beginning of Lent.

After having a twitter "conversation" with a fellow tweeter (well, as much as twitter can be a conversation) some of the questions raised are on my mind as I try to work out an explanation. I have always been able to explain myself best through writing as it gives me an opportunity to work out my thoughts.

Regarding Lent, what's the point of giving something up?

One point raised, was that sacrifice for Christ should be daily, and not simply a 40 day exercise.

I agree in theory. But in all honesty - how much do I really have to sacrifice each day? I live in a free country, have a loving husband & family, friends around the country, had a good education, and more clothes and crafts than a girl should probably have. The list of blessings in my life outweigh anything else.

To think that Lent is just about giving something up for 40 days is completely missing the point. Lent should be a time of reflection to try and have a greater understanding of Christ's sacrifice. Just in the way as Christians are called to prepare for Christmas, Lent is a time of preparation for Easter.

Now do some people give up something for 40 days just because with no real intention? Probably.

But do some people go to church every Sunday just because with no real intention? Probably.

Maybe it's because Valentine's day was less than a month ago, but I'm going to use Valentine's day to try and explain how I view Lent.

Many people celebrate Valentine's day (any many of you don't). For me it becomes a day to go above and beyond what I normally do to show my husband how much I love.

But in celebrating Valentine's day, I take extra effort to show him how much I love him in little ways - by writing a sweet note, planning a special meal, and taking extra effort to look good for my husband, and by making sure I tell him how much I love him more than I usually do.

Do I do that everyday of my life? I try to but in reality I don't always. My husband knows I love him, but do I show him that everyday in the way I do on Valentine's day? No.

So in a way, Valentine's day can serve as a reminder and a wake up to how I should STRIVE to love him everyday. It's not just about the candy, the chocolates and the special dress, it's a day full of reminders to try harder and love more deeply.

I look at Lent through the same viewpoint.

So in Lent, Catholics (and many others) are encouraged to give up something as a sacrifice for Christ. Does Christ really care if I limit myself to two cups of coffee of a day? I seriously doubt it. Is that really that point? No.

But if each time I crave another cup of coffee, or pass a Starbucks and instead make the conscious decision to not have another cup, or stop for a delicious treat, I can reflect on the sacrifice that Christ made for me. Should we reflect on that each day of our lives, and not just for 40? Of course. But the 40 days of Lent serves a special purpose to help prepare you specifically for Easter.

So hopefully after 40 days of little every day reminders, my own personal understanding of Christ's sacrifices will have grown a little deeper.

In the same way I look at Valentine's day as a reminder to try harder to show my love for my husband (and loved ones) throughout the year, Lent is a 40 day active reminder to reflect on Christ's sacrifice - so that I can try and grow a deeper understanding and appreciation for Easter and my faith.

So that's my take on Lent and why I give up something for 40 days.

This is a post far from a post about What I Wore Wednesday, or What I WISH I Wore.

But that's okay.

And for those of you curious, I'm giving up Starbucks, Mexican food, limiting my alcohol intake to 1 beverage a week, and 2 cups of coffee a day.

I just read that Michelle from Oh, Mishka is giving up sugar. There is NO WAY I could do that.

And several years ago she gave up make up. MAKE UP people!

Talk about a sacrifice! Could you do it?

Are you giving anything up? Did you ever give up something over-the-top or know someone who did?

*** By the way, I am in no way trying to say that everyone or even anyone should participate in Lent, this was just my explanation of why I do.***

1 comment:

  1. Beautifully put! I love your comparison!
