
Sunday, February 20, 2011

A Glimpse of Me

My friend Kathlyn recently had a linky party on her blog called My Day Friday. She wanted to encourage bloggers to put a photo up of themselves so that readers could SEE and get to know the face behind the blog. Although I JUST realized I was too late to link up, I thought it was a good idea. Especially since I have some new readers! Hello new readers! Even though the linky party is closed it's not too late to play along. Be sure and leave a comment so I can stop by and meet you!

So, here's a little glimpse of me. And everything that makes me, me.

My husband.
The man I've known since I was a teenager.
One day, when he was just 14 and I was 16
I told him that no matter how many little girlfriends he had,
he was one day going to marry me. I was right.
10 years later.
My cute husband pouring over a map while we were in Santorini, Greece. Busy planning our adventure to the day and befriending a local Greek pup.

Our house.
Georgia is our home. But I've called Mississippi, Massachusetts, Pittsburgh, North Carolina, Indiana, Illinois and Kentucky my home too.

A snapshot of family & friends.
We are both so blessed with wonderful families and friends.
Not to mention the 183+ members on my mom's side alone.
That's a beautiful story of its own.

A little piece of Heaven called Bald Head Island.
My husband and his family has been going there for years and it really is a magical place.
We have so many memories there.

I've always loved to do both.
I've been writing poems, keeping journals, and creating for as long as I can remember.
I love all mediums of both.
Poetry, short story, blogging, knitting, collaging, painting...
The list goes on.
Beaming over my second freelance article in print!

My first of three "how-to" craft tutorials in her magazine.

And this is a very small glimpse of me.
I'm not really sure what I had in mind when I started this blog.
I think my original intention was to share my creative & crafting DIY ideas.
I had just got married, quit my job and moved away but needed something.
So I started a blog and opened an Etsy shop.
Both are continually evolving. Just like me. And just like my hair color & hair styles.

You'll find me in my pj's at the house. At the thrift store. In a pile of craft supplies. Reading magazines. Drooling over delicious recipes online. Trying new recipes. Drinking Starbucks. Rearranging & reorganizing. Shopping at Marshalls. Spending way too much money on shoes. Participating in races and triathlons. Eating way too much cheese dip at Mexican restaurants. Singing along and dancing to the radio in my car. Prank calling my mom at work. Hanging out. And blogging a little about it all.

Don't forget to sign up for my GIVEAWAY!
You can win a $75 gift certificate to my Etsy shop & more.


  1. How neat! It's nice to get to know a little about you. I'm Angie by the way. Swing by my blog if you get a chance and check out a bit of me!!! Hope you have a great Sunday :)

  2. It's always great to get to know a bit more about our favorite bloggers. It's cool that you married a younger man and that you liked him from such a young age.

    Is Bald Head Island one of the islands in NC where cars aren't allowed?

  3. that's right Paula! Golf carts only! It's so peaceful.

  4. I found you on the Say Hi Sunday bloghop. Hi!

  5. I'm coming by to return the comment love you left funny that you told your husband as a teenager that he would marry you...I did the same thing...and 10 years later I was right too ;)
    I am looking forward to looking through your blog! Feel free to submit a guest post to mine if you'd like-I really like your writing style!
    @ Creative Kristi
