
Tuesday, October 26, 2010

'Tis the Season for Less Stress and Spending

Photo credited here.

As the head of household in many homes, women often assume the role of playing Santa's LIttle Helper during the holidays. And although we may have have our own workshop of little elves to help us out, we often find ourselves surviving on Peppermint Mochas to make it through our massive to-do lists. This season, before the chaos called Christmas begins, take a few moments for yourself to plan ahead and prepare. Before you know it, you'll be able to sit back and sip on eggnog instead of stressing your way through the season.

Grab a notebook small enough to keep in your purse and dedicate it to staying organized this holiday season.

Handknit cowls available here.

Make a list of everyone you want to shop for. Get your family in on this and make sure they've included any family members, friends or co-workers they need to shop for. You wouldn't want to hurt Aunt Edna's feelings, forget to buy a bag of pistachio nuts for your husband to exchange with his basketball buddy, or overlook your overworked co-workers. Next to their names write down a few of their interests or possible gift ideas. After your've made your master list, keep this on hand at all times so you can be sure and add anyone that pops in your mind. Now that you've made your list and checked it twice you're already on your way to quiet evenings by the fire.

Not only will this help you stay organized, but it also might help you get back to the heart of gift giving. We give gifts to friends and family as a way to express gratitude for their friendship or the part they play in our lives. Gifts from the heart are so much more meaningful than a gift purchased just for the sake of giving. This can be expressed by gift itself to the way it's packaged and presented.

Photo credited here.

One way to cut down on the amount of shopping you need to do is to suggest participation in white elephant parities, secret Santas, or drawing a name out of a hat at your work, school, with your friends, or with your family. This can work for many families. Now that my brothers and I are grown and married we draw names out of a hat. So instead of buying a gift for everyone, we each have one person to buy for.

You can do the same with your friends or co-workers. Perhaps suggest that you all go out for lunch or dinner, treat you selves to a day at the spa instead of buying everyone a gift.

Photo credited here.

While there are many great places to pick up gifts, try looking in some more unusual places starting at your local farmers market. Here you can pick up plants, spices, honey, jams, and handmade gifts. You might even find someone who can bake up some fresh rolls for your holiday meals, or prepare cakes and breads for gifts. You may also be able to pick up some local art and handmade gifts, while supporting your local artisans ... like me!

Instead of loading up on wrapping paper and ribbons and bows, how about trying a few new gift wrapping ideas. Start stockpiling the comic section from Sundays paper, or check out your glove compartment or thrift stores for old maps or atlases.
Use the inside of paper bags from the grocery store. A warm iron will smooth out the wrinkles and you can create your own designs with rubber stamps, colored pencils or markers.

Photo credited here.

Try using different types of yarn instead of ribbon or twine and raffia for a more organic or rustic look. Embellish with old ornaments, buttons, pinecones, greenery, cinnamon sticks, cutouts from magazine, get creative. Not only will your present be unique in its presentation, but is also environmentally friendly and saving cash. Check out more how-to gift wrapping ideas from Martha Stewart here.

There are many ways to save yourself some stress and and even a little extra cash this holiday season, giving you more time to enjoy all that the season has to offer. All you need is a plan, a list, and a little creativity.

What do YOU do to stay sane during the Holidays?


  1. Great post. I like the idea of a gift list with potential gift ideas on it...just like grocery shopping, it's always better be prepared! Beautiful choice of images, too.

  2. Charissa, so glad you commented!!! Your blog is AWESOME!!! You are so creative!!!
