
Saturday, February 5, 2011

A Little Motivation

Me and my husband at the end of the 1/2 marathon last weekend.

Last weekend I finished my 3rd half-marathon. And it was tough. Although there were definitely more hills than I had planned for, the main problem was that I hadn't trained properly. [On a side note, it was my husband's first, and he pretty much rocked it - I knew he would though!!!]

Having completed more than a handful of events starting with 5Ks and sprint triathlons, over the years I've worked up to 10Ks, several half-marathons, and an almost Olympic distance triathlon. Each of these events I train for: I have a schedule that I try and follow as much as I can. So I know what it feels like to have trained properly, and now I definitely know the after affects of not training properly.

This past summer when I finished my 2nd half marathon in Chicago, I felt awesome. I finished with my best time and had little to no soreness afterwards. Two days later and I was at an aerobic gym class with my friends.

Me and my Notre Dame roomies at the end of our 1/2 Marathon in Chicago.

Not this time around. With the holidays and excuse after excuse, I really just did not keep up with my training. I went on my long runs but other than that went on maybe 1-2 more runs during the week. Let me tell you, this is not the way to do it.
During this past race, I could feel the muscles in my legs resisting, and for several days afterward could only hobble around. Not because running that distance is truly that hard, I had just not prepared by body properly.
Anyways, I'm motivated to go again. Time to pick out a new event and train for it.

In case any of you out there are considering signing up for a 5K, or any other event, I say DO IT! If you give yourself enough time to train, you'll be amazed at what you can do. Most plans require 8-12 weeks training. I really only started doing these events after I graduated from college - 7 years ago now.

I never plan to go further than a 1/2 marathon, but I do want to complete a half-ironman triathlon. But first thing is first, and I need to look for an Olympic distance triathlon first.

Me at the start of the 30th Annual Callaway Triathlon: 1K swim, 30K bike, 8K run

In case any of you have been thinking about it, I thought maybe this encouragement would help you just do it. Because you can. Here's some links I've found helpful:

8-week training plan for a 5K: Couch to 5K running plan.

8-week training plan for a Sprint Triathlon

8-week training plan for your first 10K

And there are so many more.

To find events check out or

One accountability training tool I used before was where you can keep track of your training, time, and how your workout felt.

Anyways, right now my belly is full of yummy Mexican food - and since I can't seem to lose the 10 pounds I've gained since my husband redeployed it's time to look for my next event. One I will TRAIN for properly.

Let me know if you sign up for any events! They are a lot of fun, especially if you can get friends or family involved!


  1. Well done , you set a goal and you completed it! your a winner:)

  2. I am currently doing the Couch to 5K program! I am about to start week 5 and I am AMAZED at how I can feel myself getting stronger. I've never been a runner before, but I have to say I am enjoying it. I can't wait to enter and run my first 5K!


  3. I've been having a hard time finding the motivation to keep going. I'm gonna try the Couch to 5K program (I'd never heard of it before. Thank you.) since I'm always so jealous of my friends that run the 5K mud runs on post.

  4. Hi! I'm so glad you popped over for a visit at my blog. I am now following yours, and it is great to meet you. It looks like you are no stranger to running. Great job! I would completely fall over dead. LOL!!

  5. Congratulations on finishing your race, even if you weren't as trained as you would like to be.

    I'm terrible about signing up for a race and then not training properly. I've done that for the past two 1/2's that I've completed. The next one is at the end of April and can you guess how many long runs I've done? If you guessed zero, you are right!

  6. Great post! Good for you for you! It is hard to keep up training sometimes. I just did my first 1/2 marathon in January and I trained very hard for it. But since then I haven't kept up my running as well so I just registered for a 15k to get me on track. I love connecting with other runners. Happy to be a follower!
