
Tuesday, January 11, 2011

A Re-do: Day 2 of 365

So, when I said I wanted to make something each day for 365 days, I might need to expound on that idea.

The purpose isn't for me to simply create something brand new for the SAKE of creating... but to be inspired and to push my creativity. Especially if that means re-making, re-doing, or re-visiting something already made.

Last year I made these winter crochet necklaces I called Scarflet Necklaces. They sold very well at craft shows and in my North Carolina store. However, they were very time consuming to make and after making five final necklaces, I put them away. Although they were "finished", they needed something more. They needed embellishments. I was already tired of how much time I had spent on them that the thought of putting MORE time into embellishing them was just too much. And ... the winter season was pretty much over. And these are definitely a winter/fall accessory.

Until the other day when organizing and going through my craft closed re-examining my supplies, I came across these unfinished necklaces, and decided it was time to finish them up. So, that's just what I did.

Last night I laid them out on the table, went through my beads and decided I would finish them today.

And I did! Almost. As of now, I have one more necklace to embellish, and already I have someone asking to let me know when they're done! Yippee!

It sure is cold enough in most of the country to wear one of these necklaces! Right North Carolina? Atlanta, you too! South Bend, is 36" inches of snow enough?!

For now, it's time for me to get outside to go for a run, finish up the laundry and put clean sheets on the bed. Then later on these one of a kind necklaces will be listed in my Etsy store. So check back if you're interested!

What's the weather like where you are? Are you home bound because of snow & ice?


  1. what!! you made those necklaces? holy talent, girl! ha, i grew up in georgia and my mom said they got a little bit of snow and the whole town shut down. right now i'm in utah for college and we've got nothing but snow, snow, more snow, and some ice.

  2. Hey Rachel, Thanks for stopping by! Yes, we don't have much here, but like where your mom is, the whole town shut town, or at least came to quite a pause. I WISH we had snow!

  3. These necklaces are amazing!!! Thanks for stopping by my blog. What race are you running? Good luck! This was my first 1/2 marathon at Disney last weekend. I think I caught the bug! :)

  4. Hey Krista - we're doing the half marathon at Callaway Gardens. This will be my 3rd ... but I haven't trained much for this one! Yikes! I heard the Disney one was so much fun! Congrats!
